Monday, April 2, 2007

Roridan's Morning Mug O' Mead: Leveling Race

My good friend Roridan taught me long ago that a good mug of mead will wake you up in the morning! We would sit and discuss the war against the horde or any other thing that came to mind as we sipped our drink.

Today's topic is the leveling race. Specifically is it a good thing to be racing to 70. My friend Nizaril and I always wonder why people feel the need to tear through the countryside not paying a bit of heed to all that is around them or to really what they are doing. What is the fastest path to level 70? That is all that matters to many players.

There was even a gnome mage who talked his guild into assisting him race to 70. Basically he was solo and then would run around and tag all the mobs in an area and then his guild would jump on them once they were tagged. This, as you know, gives him the XP and he shoots up in level thanks to an entire guild helping him. In case you missed it, they played for 28 hours straight doing this. No quests, no adventure, just cheese-a-licous grinding.

I wonder now where that gnome is and if he has quit WOW yet, because the other half of this coin is the “I’m bored, there is nothing to do” syndrome. Well perhaps if you would not have blown through it in the first place, you would have had a tad more fun. But congrats, you were the first player to 70 and then the first 70 to quit the game. How fun is that?

Gather around the table, grab your mug o’ mead and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

Tarnia said...

/RP off

Roridan and Lehtinen are 110% right.

Powerleveling is not the way to go. I have been playing MMORPG's for a long time and what has always baffled me was how some people ignore the beauty and content of a game in favor of just instant gratification and even then it doesn't seem to be fast enough for them. I encountered my first powerleveler when I played a game called AC2, prior to that game I never really paid much attention to any people other than my friends and guild mates. While playing AC2 (Asheron's Call 2) there was a guildy of ours (mine and Roridan's) who decided to venture off the path so to speak and power level his character. The guys name was Jexx in game and we had all leveled up about even with eachother within at least a couple of levels ...but me and Roridan logged in one day to find that he was about 15 levels ahead of us. What happens when people do that is that they get so caught up in getting that next level that they usually ignore their guild mates and former questing buddies in favor of that next level or the final brass ring. Me and Roridan take the time to travel by foot across country (in-game landscape) and explore instead of just taking portals all the time. We want to see what the devs have put into this world that we choose to pay X amount of dollars per month to play. We want to actually do the quests, participate in the rich content that makes the game so much more enjoyable.

All too often have I been called a noob by people that have power-leveld their toons to the cap level simply because I'm still not at the cap yet ....however most cases, I've been playing the game far longer. Just because many of us actually want to take the time to "smell the roses" and play the game in the way the Devs originally intended does not make us noobs. In most cases ...once we get to cap level ...we could probably kick that power-leveled toons arse with no problem. We are the ones that know where EVERYTHING in the game is located. We are the ones that chime in when someone asks in "/4: LFG "Hey ...where is the tower of Azora?!?!?!" ..."Hey, where the hell is Azshara?!?!" ...we know where special vendors are located. We know where all the trainers are, we know where these out of the way and off the beaten path quest NPC's are standing out in the middle of desert landscapes and thick jungles. We have almost if not all the answers to these many questions because we took the time to enjoy the game that we pay for and we want more out of the game than just to level up to cap level in 28 hours or less and then stand around IF, SW, Darnassus, Exodar, Shat'rath or Pornshire saying "I'm bored". I personally like to enjoy EVERY aspect of the game. I have 5 level 60 toons, a level 61, a 58 and a 70. I have every profession out there, primary as well as secondary. I have expert knowledge in some and better than average in the rest. I'm an encyclopedia for my friends and guildies and I'm proud of that fact. I have no use for the grinding, farming, power-leveling monkey's that claim to have L33T, Skillz and ub3r abilities and gear! They miss the point of World of Warcraft all together. They don't understand the lore at all in most cases and they run by all the rich content giving it no thought Warcraft is a rich world of content that has been carefully built over a period of about 12 to 13 years. I played the original games which were 2-D strategy games. Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. As I run, fly and quest my way around Azeroth in WoW, I see things and participate in quests which often touch on things that I became familiar with in all those previous incarnations of Warcraft and it makes playing WoW all the more enjoyable for me.

/RP on

There are those that would take the quick path to glory and power! There are those that would forsake the elder teachings of our fore fathers.
There are those of us that seek enlightenment and knowledge. There are those of us who seek wisdom and through seeking these things we learn patience, virtue, righteousness, justice and develop sound judgement. I, Tarnia ...and my friends, my lifelong companions, Roridan, Lehtinen, Nizaril, Annazsun, Larisianna, Trilea, Valtrea, Solstise, Adenth and all the others that I've met in these most recent tenday are committed to expanding wisdom and furthering the cause of the Alliance by upholding what it was founded on, justice and freedom! Those that seek the shortcuts to glory are only setting themselves up for anihilation. As Illidan decreed when we reopened the dark portal and set foot on the ruins of what was once Draenor ....they are "not" prepared!